Wednesday, September 26, 2007



Muhammad is believed by Islamists to have begun his nocturnal journey to the Temple Mount, Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Islamists celebrate this and called this Mikraj.

What the Islamists believe is out of context history and bury the fact or Islamists always fool and stupid indeed. Muhammad did his journey on his life on 6th century. The fact and history say the Temple Mount was destroyed Titus as a result of the First Jewish-Roman War (66-73). Titus sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple Mount, and leaving only supporting walls, including the Western Wall.

On the site where Muhammad is believed by Islamists to have begun his nocturnal journey there was not Temple Mount neither Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Islam spread rotten lies about the history of Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque.***


Muhammad diyakini penganut Islam melakukan perjalanan di tengah malam ke Bait’ullah, Mesjid Al-Aqsa di Yerusalem. Penganut Islam merayakannya dan menyebutnya Mikraj.

Keyakinan Islam ini bertentangan dengan sejarah dan mengubur kenyataan atau memang penganut Islam sungguh bodoh dan tolol. Muhammad melakukan perjalanannya ketika hidup pada abad VI. Kenyataan dan sejarah mengatakan Bait’ullah dihancurkan Titus sebagai akibat Perang Yahudi-Romawi (66-73). Titus mengepung Yerusalem dan menghancurkan Bait’ullah, dan hanya menyisakan tembok penopangnya, termasuk Tembok Barat.

Di tempat Muhammad tersebut diyakini penganut Islam telah melakukan perjalanan di tengah malam tidak ada Bait’ullah maupun Mesjid Al-Aqsa.

Islam menyebarkan kebohongan busuknya tentang sejarah Bait’ullah dan Mesjid Al-Aqsa.***